I'm looking for a WebRTC platform/API/SDK for P2P video streaming from an Android camera to another Android device running my app http://www.gotyapp.com. I've looked at Twilio, they don't support it. So far only Weemo and Tokbox potentially. Any recommendations?
3 Answers
Weemo provides a complete set of APIs and SDK for Android. You can either use Webrtc in your Android Chrome browser or integrate the SDK in a native App. Ask for an API key here http://www.weemo.com/get-started-video-platform/ And get technical documentation at docs.weemo.com
I'm Megan from Twilio.
We now have Programmable Video for Android.
To install the library and its dependencies into an existing project you can start with these instructions for your build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
// The Twilio Conversations Library and its dependencies reside on jCenter
compile 'com.twilio:conversations-android:0.9.0'
TokBox gives your audio/video on Android for P2P video streaming form Android-Android, as well as Android-iOS-web if you decide to expand in the future. We also lets you do multiparty and real-time video recording/storage if you want to check it out. You can see a live demo (including recording) on https://opentokrtc.com and try out opentokrtc on Android or iOS.
Get started here: https://tokbox.com/opentok/quick-start/