
I have the class Bintree that defines a binary tree. I need to implement a method that returns the maximum displacement of the nodes of the tree. So returns a pair of integers; the first of which is the height of t, the second is the maximum imbalance of the subtrees of t. With 'imbalance of a tree' I mean:

imbalance of a tree = absolute value of the difference between the height of the left subtree and the height of the right subtree.

I created the private inner class IntPair to contain the two integers. I know that the method is a recursive method, so I wrote the base case and I think it's correct. Instead I miss the recursive step... What I wrote is wrong. How do I find the maximum value?

public class BinTreeUtil {

    protected static class IntPair {
        int height;
        int maxUnbal;

        IntPair(int h, int u) {
            height = h; 
            maxUnbal = u;

    public static int maxUnbalance(BinTree t) {
        return heightUnbalance(t).maxUnbal;

    private static IntPair heightUnbalance(BinTree t) {
        if(t == null) 
            return new IntPair(-1, 0);
        else {
            int sbil = Math.abs(height(t.left) + height(t.right));
            return new IntPair(height(t), ???);




1 Answers


You want to maintain both the height and the unbalance during the recursion :

private static IntPair heightUnbalance(BinTree t) {
    if(t == null) 
        return new IntPair(0, 0);
    else {
        IntPair leftResult = heightUnbalance(t.left);
        IntPair rightResult = heightUnbalance(t.right);
        return new IntPair(1+Math.max(leftResult.height,rightResult.height),

You want to maintain both the height and the unbalance during the recursion :

  • The height of each node is 1 + the max height of the children.
  • The imbalance of each node is the absolute value of the difference of heights of the children.
  • For an empty node, you should return (0,0).