
I am executing a simple query on a small table


System table only has three columns(Id, Name, Progress) and 1300 rows.

My code for getting the data is:

    try {
            conn = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection(
                    username.getText(), password.getText());
            String query = "select * from system";
            stmt = (Statement) conn.createStatement();
            rs = (ResultSet) stmt.executeQuery(query);
            while (rs.next()) {
                tableModel.addRow(new Object[] { rs.getInt("Number"),
                        rs.getString("Name"), rs.getFloat("Progress") });
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // some other code

This code takes around 15 seconds to display the date in my JTable, while if I execute the query in phpmyadmin it takes less than one second.

Profile the code or add timing statements to see where the time is being spent. I think a table named SYSTEM is a bad idea.duffymo
Is it the executeQuery or the time it takes to process the ResultSet that's slow?MadProgrammer
First get the actual time from the beginning of the executeQuery statement and after to determine the actual time spent executing the query.Rai
I just checked. The execution of the query is fine(~1s), the process of the results set is very slow. Besides using a thread, what should I do for the while loop to finish faster?user3822347
@user3822347 Read my answer. The most important part is probably the last two sentences.Elliott Frisch

2 Answers


I would use a PreparedStatment and I would increase the default ResultSet fetchSize, and I would limit the query to the three columns (note id != Number) -

String query = "select Number, Name, Progress from system";
stmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);
rs = stmt.executeQuery();

Finally, establishing a Connection like that is probably the wrong way to go for performance. You should look for a Connection pool like BoneCP or c3p0 or HikariCP.


The issue here was likely the

while (rs.next()) { tableModel.addRow(...)

Each call to addRow() means a "Notification of the row being added will be generated."

This notification of the Listener(s) means quite some overhead. Likely, each call indirectly involves a call to invalidate the GUI's state, and more, because the table will have to be redrawn after it changed. Doing that 1300x in ~15s means 100 of those calls per second, which is quite reasonable. The OP should probably look for a way to first gather all data and then update the table model only once with all the data. This may mean having to implement his own variation of DefaultTableModel or AbstractTableModel.