

I have a semi-transparent color of unknown value.

I have a sample of this unknown color composited over a black background and another sample over a white background.

How do I find the RGBA value of the unknown color?


Note: RGB values of composites are calculated using formulas from the Wikipedia article on alpha compositing

Composite over black:

rgb(103.5, 32.5, 169.5)

Composite over black

Composite over white:

rgb(167.25, 96, 233.25)

Composite over white

Calculated value of unknown color will be:

rgba(138, 43, 226, 0.75)

Calculated color value

What I've Read

Not possible. Look at your values. The one on black ends up lighter than the one on white.stark
Alphas still look way off for the different values.stark
@stark See if my new example is any clearer.Tyler Eich

1 Answers


It took some experimentation, but I think I figured it out.

Subtracting any of the color component values between the black and white composite should give you the inverse of the original color's alpha value, eg:

A_original = 1 - ((R_white_composite - R_black_composite) / 255) // in %, 0.0 to 1.0

It should yield the same value whether you use the R, G, or B component. Now that you have the original alpha, finding the new components is as easy as:

R_original = R_black_composite / A_original
G_original = G_black_composite / A_original
B_original = B_black_composite / A_original