I have a table that returns categories for products. Their is another table (called inventory_review) that has reviews that customers have left for the products. How can I in the foreach loop of the actual category, also loop through each review to find the average rating for that particular product.
I can easily do it on the product page itself and just use AVG on the statement, but on the categories it's only showing the first review.
$category = Inventory::select('inventory_review.rating','inventory_images.image', 'inventory.id' , 'inventory.sku', 'inventory.name', 'inventory.price', 'inventory_categories.category')
->join('inventory_categories', 'inventory.sku', '=', 'inventory_categories.sku')
->leftJoin('inventory_images', 'inventory.sku', '=', 'inventory_images.sku')
->leftJoin('inventory_review', 'inventory.id', '=', 'inventory_review.inventory_id')
->where('inventory_categories.category', 'LIKE', '%'.$cat.'%')
->where('inventory.active', '=', 1)
->where('inventory.stock_quantity', '>', 2)
So basically what happens is it will loop through all the products that matches the category and only return the 1st review rating for the product. I know I probably need to loop through something but not sure what.
@if($inventory->rating > 0)
@for ($i=1; $i <= 5 ; $i++)
@if($i <= $inventory->rating)
<i class="fa fa-star"></i>
<i class="fa fa-star-o"></i>