With ODS HTML in SAS, I would like to create anchors to titles so that I could refer to those anchors from tables.
Currently I have been able to create references in the tables:
proc sql;
select '<a href="#'||m.anchor_text||'">'||m.anchor_text||'</a>'
from matrix m;
which in HTML browser output will show as internal links to the HTML file:
anchor1 <-- this is a href link to anchor1
anchor2 <-- this is a href link to anchor2
When I now tried to create anchors to the actual data tables:
title "<a name='anchor1'></a>Data on matrix1";
proc sql;
select * from matrix1;
The title does not wrap the text into an anchor, but instead shows the full HTML code:
<a name='anchor1'></a>Data on matrix1
(matrix1 data here)
If I look the HTML code, I can see that the title characters are translated to be showable in HTML:
<a name='anchor1'></a>Data on matrix1
But how could create such an HTML anchor into the title of a proc sql query i.e. embed HTML tags into title?