First of all, these are my environment versions: Rails: 4.1.0 Ruby: 2.1.1p76 Paperclip: 4.1
I created a scaffold (rails g scaffold Entry description:text) and further added Paperclip to the then existing model (rails g paperclip entry image).
Afterwards I migrated and everything worked fine so far. Now when I upload an image it just doesn't display, instead "/images/original/missing.png" get's shown and there's no record of the image I just uploaded at all.
This is my model (models/entry.rb):
class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :image,
:path => ":rails_root/public/images/:class/:attachement/:id/:basename.:extension",
:url => "/images/:class/:attachement/:id/:basename.:extension"
My view (show.html.slim):
p#notice = notice
strong Description:
= @entry.description
= image_tag @entry.image.url
= link_to 'Edit', edit_entry_path(@entry)
= link_to 'Back', entries_path
I have ImageMagick installed and even set the Paperclip.options within my development.rb. I have no idea what I am missing here, it just doesn't seem to upload any images whatsoever, nor throw out any error messages.