I was researching on this issue for some time. And I've come up with a solution reference to some links and articles about this issue. Here are two of the names of articles:,. You can google and download them if you want to read these articles.
It's a pity that none of the articles can exactly solve my problem. Because what I want is neither to check if certain rectangles can be put into a fix-sized large rectangle nor a best area-allocating method that cost long time to result. So I have to balance between time and effect. I do this:
1.I prepare a list of candidate points and add the left-top point to it.
2.I place rectangles one by one into the large rectangle.
3.Every time when I place a rectangle, I check all candidate points to see if I can put the rectangle on the point. And I just keep the best two or three ones(best means minimum-sized if this rectangle is the last one).
4.I choose a candidate point to place the rectangle and replace one point to two points(right-top point and left-bottom one of the rectangle) if they are checked valid to place the next rectangle.
5.I recursively do step 3 to place a next rectangle.
I use C++ language do coding so I can code like this:
void computeMinimunRects(int index, Array objects, Array candidates, RectChecker checker)
if (index == objects.count()){
checkresult(objects);// finished putting all rectangles
int c = 2;// or 3 which based on objects.count()
SortPoint possibles;// SortPoint sort all input points by total area from small to big.
for (int i = 0; i<candidates.count(); i++){
if (checkput(candidates[i], objects[index].size))// check if objects[index].size can put on candidates[i] point
possibles.insert(candidates[i], objects[index].size);// input all needed value and sort them.
for(int i = 0; i<c; i++){
Point pt = possibles[i].pt;
Size size = possibles[i].size;
Rect rect(pt, size);
candidate.remove(pt);// replace point with two ones.
computeMinimunRects(index+1, objects, candidates, checker);// recursively input rectangle
candidates.remove(rect.right_top());// revert all changes