
I am trying Worklight 6.2 on this version of eclipse:

Version: Luna Release (4.4.0) Build id: 20140612-0600

The eclipse is clean, clean workspace and just installed Worklight 6.2 -

When I build my project for deployment to the development server I get error:

Failed to deploy application 'MyApp' to Worklight Server: No MBean found for Worklight project 'SiriusProject'. Possibly the Worklight 
runtime web application for Worklight project 'SiriusProject' is not running. If it is running, use JConsole to inspect the available 

If i try to deploy my adapter I get this error:

Adapter deployment failed: No MBean found for Worklight project 'MyProject'. Possibly the Worklight runtime web application for Worklight 
project 'MyProject' is not running. If it is running, use JConsole to inspect the available MBeans. 

Early in the console output I see

A preview contributor threw an exception while updating the URL
NullPointerException. check logs.

But I dont know which logs it is asking me to check.

You could try Window -> Show View -> Other -> Error Log for the Eclipse log, and also, for the server log, you should look at: <your_workspace_path>/WorklightServerConfig/servers/worklight/logsOrlando Rincón

3 Answers


See if any of these suggestions help: How to Fix No MBean found for Worklight project?


  • Run As--> 4 - Build Settings and Deploy Target , then Run As --> Run on Worklight Development Server
  • Create a new Worklight project and copy files

The answer was to use eclipse Kepler instead of Luna.


Delete WorklightServerConfig folder in workspace and rebuild your application.

Another option is to Switch your workspace.