I have a model that inherits from IdentityDbContext in my project, created from the project template of ASP.NET MVC created with Visual Studio 2013 Update 2.
public partial class MyModel : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser>
public MyModel()
: base("DefaultConnection")
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<MyModel>());
//....other properties
public virtual DbSet<ProductClientDiscount> ProductClientPrice { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<ClientCategoryDiscount> ClientCategoryDiscount { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }
//....other properties
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<ClientCategoryDiscount>().Property(x => x.PercentDiscountRent).HasPrecision(12, 9);
modelBuilder.Entity<ClientCategoryDiscount>().Property(x => x.PercentDiscountSale).HasPrecision(12, 9);
modelBuilder.Entity<ProductClientDiscount>().Property(x => x.PercentDiscountRent).HasPrecision(12, 9);
modelBuilder.Entity<ProductClientDiscount>().Property(x => x.PercentDiscountSale).HasPrecision(12, 9);
modelBuilder.Entity<Product>().Property(x => x.SalePrice).HasPrecision(12, 9);
modelBuilder.Entity<Product>().Property(x => x.RentPrice).HasPrecision(12, 9);
I need to change the default decimal precision in the database when it is created, so I found in other posts that it should be done in OnModelCreating, just as I did. Everything seems to work fine, but, when the database is created, the decimal fields gets the default precision and scale of decimal(18,2). I have seen in other posts that the model inherits from DBContext, instead of IdentityDbContext, I don't know if there is something I need to do to get it working. I'm using localdb in Visual Studio 2013. Thanks in regards to anyone that could help me.