I want to learn to program in Ada, yesterday I downloads GPS from Adacore website, extract the archive and run the "doinstall" file(I'm running OpenSuse 13.1). everything installed OK,I want to mention that I haven't edit the PATH variable, then I started Ada and create new project falling this guide http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gnat_ugn_unw/Building-a-New-Program-with-GPS.html. Everything was good, I have written my Hello_World program, but when I tried to compile it I got those errors:
Could not determine the project for file: /home/synchro/Ada_projects/hello.adb
Could not expand argument in command line: %fp
Build command not launched.
I was unable to find any information about how to fix this. Any help is welcome.
EDIT: I have add the file to the project Now I'm getting those errors:
No file selected
Could not expand argument in command line: %fp
Build command not launched.