
I am new to Joomla. I am working on a Joomla website for a construction company.

I have created pages for each projects of the company as article page with following regions:

  1. Project Title [article/page title]
  2. Banner Slider [5 images of particular project using any slider]
  3. Project Description
  4. An image of the Project Plan.

My requirement is:

How can I insert the slider pluggin into each article page to have my second region working (BANNER SLIDER). I cant do it globally because for each project/article page the whole 5 images differ.

Thanks in advance for any sort of lead.

Is this a plugin or module? I know you said plugin but a lot of people seem to get confusedLodder
I'd suggest you to use widgetkit, yootheme.com/widgetkit/downloadsdi3sel
@di3sel - For a simplistic slider, I would not suggest using Widgetkit. I think it's brill but only if you want to make full use it it. I've even uninstalled it on my site as I was just getting sick and tired of it :/Lodder
@Lodder Sorry it was the module to be used.Abu Isaac

3 Answers


Seeing as it's a module and not a plugin, what you can do is duplicate the module and assign each one to different articles.

To do this, go to your Module Manager, select the module and click "Copy". Not sure what the slider module is called but I assume you can select which images you wish to use, so be sure to do this for each one. You then need to give each module a custom position. Simply type one in rather that selecting one.

And finally, in each article, you can call a specific module by adding the following code:

{loadposition XXX}

where XXX is the position you have assigned to your module.

Hope this helps


Use the Slideshow CK module, which can be found here: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/photos-a-images/slideshow/image-jquery-slideshow/20362

We use it for our clients and they all love it. It also works right out of the box.


you can use Widgetkit component and create custom slide show for each article and show each article slider in article with Widgetkit short code.