
I have encountered a lot of difficulty whilst getting images to display on a localhost server using Laravel 4.2.6 in a Blade Template View.

My image: 'logo.png' has been stored in the laravel\public\ folder for simplicity (laravel\public\logo.png).

I have a 'base.blade.php' view stored in app\views\layouts.

     <p> Image goes here
         {{ HTML::image('logo.png', 'logo') }}
         <img src="{{ asset('logo.png') }}" alt="logo" />

Neither of the above methods for displaying the image have worked. Rather they display a broken image icon.

I thought adding an initial '/' to the route may help point to the root directory, but this hasn't helped either:

         {{ HTML::image('/logo.png', 'logo') }}
         <img src="{{ asset('/logo.png') }}" alt="logo" />

I initially tried storing the image as public/assets/images/logo.png, but changed the directory to simplify the problem when encountering errors.

I can't see a reason for this not to work. I am new to using Laravel, but have searched thoroughly and found no other solutions than those above. I have considered that perhaps I have some configuration wrong in WAMP, the rewrite_module is in use however. Do I need to declare an asset in routes before I use it? Is there something in the Laravel configuration I need to change?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

If you look at the source, where does the links for images go?peter.babic
re check the image is it stored in public if file is in public <img src="{{asset('logo.png')}}" alt="logo" > should workArun Kumar
I managed to fix this problem, using WAMP the public folder was C:/wamp/www rather than C:/wamp/www/laravel/public. Is there a way to change this to default to laravel/public?Arcanewinds
I was able to change the public folder to default from C:/wamp/www by editing the configuration file 'httpd' within apache/conf. The field DocumentRoot was changed to: "c:/wamp/www/laravel/public". Hopefully this can help anyone else who encounters this problem, probably down to misinstallation!Arcanewinds

1 Answers


The default root folder is defined in the httpd file, found in the Apache/conf directory.

The laravel public folder can be assigned as the root folder by altering the 'DocumentRoot' field in the Apache httpd.conf file (found in C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf in this case), to:

DocumentRoot "c:/wamp/www/laravel/public"