I am trying to implement a Nearest neighbour search for Lat and Lon data. Here is the Data.txt
61.3000183105 -21.2500038147 0
62.299987793 -23.750005722 1
66.3000488281 -28.7500038147 2
40.8000183105 -18.250005722 3
71.8000183105 -35.7500038147 3
39.3000183105 -19.7500019073 4
39.8000183105 -20.7500038147 5
41.3000183105 -20.7500038147 6
The problem is, when I want to do the nearest neighbour for each of the Lat and Lon on the data set, it is searching it self. e.g Nearest Neighbour of (-21.2500038147,61.3000183105) will be (-21.2500038147,61.3000183105) and the resulting distance will be 0.0. I am trying to avoid this but with no luck. I tried doing if not (array_equal) but still...
Below is my python code
import numpy as np
from numpy import *
import decimal
from scipy import spatial
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
from math import radians,cos,sin,sqrt,exp
Lat =[]
Lon =[]
Day =[]
nja = []
Data = np.loadtxt('Data.txt',delimiter=" ")
for i in range(0,len(Data)):
tree =spatial.KDTree(zip(Lon,Lat) )
print "Lon :",len(Lon)
print "Tree :",len(tree.data)
for i in range(0,len(tree.data)):
pts = np.array([tree.data[i][0],tree.data[i][1]])
for i in range(0, len(nja)):
if not (np.array_equal(nja,tree.data)):
nearest = tree.query(pts,k=1,distance_upper_bound =9)
print nearest