
I wrote some code that creates progressbars that update when a json file is changed (by a different program). The idea is that this code will be combined with a much larger project to give the user information about the json file as it is being written.

My Problem: If I activate one of the progressbars, the entire GUI freezes. That progressbar will work just fine but I can't start any of the others.

My Plan: I've read up on tkinter and python and I believe that what I want is for each progressbar to operate on a different thread. I tried that; but it's still freezing. And the Quit button won't work properly either. Any suggestions? Or an easier way to approach this??

Here is my code (sorry for the length):

import threading
import time
from Tkinter import *
import json
import Queue
from time import sleep

master = Tk()

#somewhere accessible to both:
callback_queue = Queue.Queue()

#see (thread_working.py) for debugging help

######ProgressBar Code (my_progressbar.py)

class Meter(Frame):
    #make a progress bar widget
    def __init__(self, master, fillcolor = 'darkblue', text='', value=0.0, **kw):
        Frame.__init__(self, master, bg='lightgray', width=350, height=20)

        self._c = Canvas(self, bg=self['bg'], width=self['width'], height=self['height'], highlightthickness=0, relief='flat', bd=0)
        self._c.pack(fill='x', expand=1)
        self._r = self._c.create_rectangle(0,0,0, int(self['height']), fill=fillcolor, width=0)
        self._t = self._c.create_text(int(self['width'])/2, int(self['height'])/2, text='')


    def set(self, value=0.0):
        text = str(int(round(100 * value))) + ' %'
        self._c.coords(self._r, 0, 0, int(self['width']) * value,int(self['height']))
        self._c.itemconfigure(self._t, text=text)

progbarlock = False # start with the prograssbar marked as not occupied

class guibuild:

    def __init__(self):
        guibuild.progbarlock = False
        self.progbar = Meter(theframe) #makes the progressbar object
        self.progbar.set(0.0) #sets the initial value to 0

        self.mybutton = Button(theframe, text="My Button", command = self.interval).pack(side = LEFT)

    def stop_progbar(self):

    def interval(self):
        if guibuild.progbarlock == False:
            counter = 0
            #sleep(5) #slow down the loop

            guibuild.progbarlock = True

            i = float(0) #i is going to be the value set on the progressbar

            while i <= 1.0: #will stop at 100%

                the_file = open("sample.json")
                data = json.load(the_file)
                curr = data["curr_line"]
                total = data["total_lines"]

                if counter == total:
                    print "stop" #for debug purposes
                elif curr == counter:
                    #print "curr = counter" #debug
                elif curr == counter+1:
                    i += 1.0/total
                    #print i #debug
                    self.progbar.set(i) #apply the new value of i to the progressbar
                    print "the progressbar should reflect", str(int(round(i*100))) +"%progress right now"
                    print "the counter will increase"
                    counter += 1
                    #print counter #debug purposes
                    #print "test"
                    print "something is wrong - running.json is not available"


            guibuild.progbarlock = False

def create_bar():

######Make the actual GUI
#master = Tk()

global theframe #makes the frame object global
theframe = Frame(master)

frame2 = Frame(master)

quitbutton = Button(frame2, text="Quit", fg = "darkred", command = master.quit).pack(side=LEFT) 
#original command was theframe.quit, original location was theframe (vs master)

##############Threading Stuff#####################

beginbutton = Button(theframe, text="Make Bar", command =create_bar).pack(side = BOTTOM)

def my_thread(func_to_call_from_main_thread):

    #this must be here and below

def from_main_thread_nonblocking():
    while True:
            callback = callback_queue.get(True) #doesn't block #was false
        except Queue.Empty: #raised when queue is empty

 #this allows for it to be activated several times

while True:

sample.json looks like this:

  "curr_line": 1, 
  "total_lines": 5

Edit: I got this fixed but found a new bug. Will post the corrected code once the bug is fixed in case anyone comes looking for an answer and finds this.

You can't access tkinter from more than one thread. If you search this site you'll find many questions about tkinter and threads, all with similar answers.Bryan Oakley
That makes sense @Bryan. What I want to do is this but I'm having trouble formatting my code correctly. Any tips?Isa
@BryanOakley I was using this stack overflow question as a template, that's where I first got the idea to use threadsIsa

1 Answers


I fixed all of the bugs and want to share this answer for any future searchers. As @BryanOakley said, Tkinter does not work with threads. I researched some more and decided to delete all of my while loops and make use of the Tkinter after() method. Below is the modified part of my code.

class guibuild:
    def __init__(self):
        self.master = master
        guibuild.progbarlock = False
        self.progbar = Meter(theframe) #makes the progressbar object
        self.progbar.set(0.0) #sets the initial value to 0
        self.counter = 0
        self.i = float(0) #i is the value set to the progressbar

        self.mybutton = Button(theframe, text="My Button", command = self.interval).pack(side = LEFT)

    def stop_progbar(self):

    def interval(self):
        if guibuild.progbarlock == False:

            guibuild.progbarlock = True

            the_file = open("sample_running.json")
            data = json.load(the_file)
            curr = data["curr_line"]
            command = data["curr_line_text"]
            total = data["total_lines"]

            print self.counter

            if self.i == 1.0:
                print "100% - process is done"
            elif self.counter == total:
                print "stop" #for debug purposes
                self.i = 1.0
                self.master.after(5000, self.interval)
            elif curr == self.counter:
                print self.counter
                print self.i
                self.master.after(5000, self.interval)
            elif curr == self.counter+1:
                self.i += 1.0/total
                print self.i #debug
                self.progbar.set(self.i) #apply the new value of i to the progressbar
                print "the progressbar should reflect", str(int(round(self.i*100))) +"%progress right now"
                print "the counter will increase"
                self.counter += 1
                print self.counter #debug purposes
                self.master.after(5000, self.interval)
                print "something is wrong - running.json is not available"
                self.master.after(5000, self.interval)

            guibuild.progbarlock = False

Note that the call for self.master.after() needs to occur after every if statement - this is so that self.master.after_cancel() works when it is invoked. Cheers!