Is it possible to input a text file which contains the list of files that needs to be deleted using Ant Delete task?
I know there is an option for giving a fileset inside the delete task but since I have 100's of files that need to be deleted using ant delete.
For example
<target name="removeJarsFromList">
<delete includeEmptyDirs="true" failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="${my_base_dir}">
<include name="/a/file1.jar/**"/>
<include name="/b/file2.jar/**"/>
<include name="/somedir/file3.jar/**"/>
<include name="/c/file4.jar/**"/>
Instead is there an option to have the files that needs to be deleted in a text file and give the text file as input.
myDeleteFileList.txt will have contents something like this
And give this file as input to the fileset ?