I Installed XAMPP server(xampp-win32-1.8.3-4-VC11-installer.exe) in windwos 7 64 bit machine.
First changed the Apache port to Listen 81
. So that's fine.
As I have seperately installed MYSQL in the same machine, changed the PORT to 3307 [port= 3307]
in my.ini configuration file.
So now my XAMPP control panel looks like following screenshot
When I check the status it says MySql database status as "Deactivated" even when MySql have started from control panel.
Also not allowing me to access to phpmyadmin and giving me the following Error message...
Does anybody know where I am going wrong.... Thanks
The values modified (in "my.ini" configuration file) when changing mysql port number is highlighted in the following screenshot. (Values changed to 3307 from default 3306)