
What I would like to do is plot an image of a graph (from say a pdf file or a scanned image). Next, I would like to overlay an axis on the graph in the image, and then plot data on that axis (over the image).

Using imtool, I know the coordinates of the graph in the image (x range = ~52-355 pixels, and y range = 23(top) - 262(bottom) pixels in this case).

This is what I have tried:

I = imread('C:\MATLAB\R2014a\help\images\ref\ftrans2_fig.png');
I = squeeze(uint8(mean(I,3)));
figure, imshow(I)
[rows, cols] = size(I);
x_data = (-1 : .01 : +1)';
y_data = 1 - x_data.^2;
h1 = axes('Position',([52, 23, 355-52, 262-23] ./ [cols, rows, cols, rows] ));
set(h1, 'Color', 'none')
hold on
plot(x_data, y_data, '-rx')

Question: Knowing the pixel coordinates of the graph in the image, how do I determine the proper position of the axis in the figure, (my code fails to account for the actual size of the figure box, the gray border around the image). I have to do this for several images and sets of data, so I would like an automated method, assuming I find the coordinates of the graphs in the image ahead of time.

Thanks for your reply! (1st time posting, please be kind)


2 Answers


You may be able to solve your problem by forcing the image onto the same axis as the plot. Try this:

I = imread('C:\MATLAB\R2014a\help\images\ref\ftrans2_fig.png');
I = squeeze(uint8(mean(I,3)));
[rows, cols] = size(I);
x_data = (-1 : .01 : +1)';
y_data = 1 - x_data.^2;
h1 = axes('Position',([52, 23, 355-52, 262-23] ./ [cols, rows, cols, rows] ));
set(h1, 'Color', 'none')
hold on
image(I, 'Parent', h1);
plot(h1, x_data, y_data, '-rx')

That should at ensure that the plot axis and the image axis have the same origin, as they will be one and the same. You may need to adjust your sizing code. Let me know if that doesn't do it for you.

Good Luck!


I think I have it figured out. It would have been easier if I could use:

figure, h1=imshow(I)

but that results in "The name 'Position' is not an accessible property for an instance of class 'image'."

Instead, this appears to work:

I = imread('C:\MATLAB\R2014a\help\images\ref\ftrans2_fig.png');
I = squeeze(uint8(mean(I,3)));
in_mag = 300;
figure, imshow(I, 'Border', 'tight', 'InitialMagnification', in_mag)
[rows, cols] = size(I);
x_data = (-1 : .01 : +1)';
y_data = 1 - x_data.^2;
% Coord of graph in image pixels
x_0 = 50; x_max = 354; y_0 = 262; y_max = 23;
h1 = axes('Position',([x_0,   rows-y_0,   x_max-x_0,   y_0-y_max] ...
                   ./ [cols,   rows,      cols,          rows] ));
hold on
plot(x_data, y_data, '-rx')
set(gca,'YColor', [0 0 1], 'XColor', [0 0 1])

However, if anybody has a better idea, I would be very happy to explore it!
