I am from EJB background working on MDBs for asychronus message processing. Recently I am moved to a project where Spring messaging is used . Being new to Spring JMS listeners , I am kind of confused when it comes to comparing the concurrency semantics with MDBs.
MDB - As I understand , we dont need to worry about thread safety , it maintains a pool of MDB beans (Pool size is something we can configure) . Whenever a new message comes to destination (queue) . EJB Container picks an instance from the pool and process the message .
Spring - I am not sure if I understand it completely . We define a listener class inside a container . I don't know if it will process every in-coming message with a new instance of listener-class or it will create a new thread ( like we have in servlets ) ? Another thing I am confused with is configurable parameter concurrentConsumers , is it similar to what we have pool of beans in EJB container ?