I've been struggling for days with that problem: I have CCNode >> StateComponent and in the StateComponent I have a CCSprite as an attribute and add it as a child in StateComponent. When I set the position of an StateComponent object and NOT of the sprite, the bounding box of the StateComponent object appears at the right place. The default values for a sprite position are set on (0,0). The bounding box of the sprite appears at (0,0) but the sprite texture is shifted from (0,0). I add the StateComponent object afterwards to a CCScene.
Could maybe someone help me with advice: how can I set the sprite position so that the texture and bounding box appears at the same position as the StateComponent object? Later I'd like to detect if there is a touch on the node(sprite) and then rotate the node with the sprite.
Any help would be really appreciated!!!
@interface StateComponent : CCNode {
@implementation StateComponent
-(instancetype) initWithGestureStatewithSprite:(CCSprite*) sprite andPosition: (CGPoint) spritePosition RelativeAngle:(float) angle {
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return nil;
self.sprite = sprite;
self.relativeAngle = angle;
self.position = spritePosition;
[self addChild:sprite];
return self;
@interface StateViewScene : CCScene {
@implementation StateViewScene
-(id) init {
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return nil;
StateComponent * body = [[StateComponent alloc] initWithGestureStatewithSprite [CCSprite spriteWithImageNamed:@"body.png"] andPosition: CGPointMake(512,384) RelativeAngle:0];
[self addChild:body];
return self;