
I am trying to install and configure Worklight application center on liberty profile.

I have installed the worklight 6.2 using the installation manager. Along the installation process i have installed the appcenter as well.

The installation was successful. But when i try to access the console it giving me "Context root not found".

Also I have checked the server.xml of the liberty server. It contains the appcenterconsole.war and the applicationcenter.war mapped.

Does anyone experience this problem as well?

Also i got an error in the log stating "The application appcenterconsole cannot start because the server is not configured to handle applications of type war"kingemerald
Did you restart the Liberty Server after the installation ? If you did, an other possible explanation is that you have an other Liberty Server running on the same HTTP port...Didier Vidal
For the error 'The application appcenterconsole cannot start because the server is not configured to handle applications of type war' -- which version of Liberty do you have and what features have you installed (you can see that with command <libertyInstallDir>/bin/productinfo featureInfo )Didier Vidal
@Rajamanickam, we are waiting for a response from you.Idan Adar
Which version of JRE are you using to run Liberty? And what is the OS type and version?slowhand

1 Answers


This might be the same problem as mentioned here: Worklight Development Server does not start

Please make sure you use Oracle Java, not IBM Java!