I have a dataset which broadly speaking looks like this:
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:04 ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:04 ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:04 ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:05 ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:05 ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:06 ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:06 ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:06 ║
I want an extra column added which represents a value of 0 in case it's not the last observation of that time and a 1 in case it's the last observation of that time. Therefore I want to add add the following column:
║ TICKER ║ DAY ║ TIME ║ dummy ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:04 ║ 0 ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:04 ║ 0 ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:04 ║ 1 ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:05 ║ 0 ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:05 ║ 1 ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:06 ║ 0 ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:06 ║ 0 ║
║ AET ║ 20100104 ║ 09:30:06 ║ 1 ║
I'm usying SAS Enterprise Guide, but don't know how to compare a value of row 1 with a value of row 2. What I'm basically trying to do is create an expression that looks like this:
IF TIME = TIME(row+1)
I don't know if this is even possible in SAS enterprise. I'm totally new to this, and I would have no problem do such a thing in Excel. Excel just doesn't cope well with 17 million rows of data. Thanks in advance!