The algorithm for allocating additional space as the vector grows has "constant amortized complexity" due to the notion that the total complexity (which is O(N) when a vector of N elements is created by a series of push_back() operations) can be "amortized" over the N push_back() calls--that is, the total cost is divided by N.
Even more specifically, using the algorithm that allocates twice as much space each time, the worst case is that the algorithm allocates nearly 4 times as much memory as would need to be allocated if you knew the exact size of the vector in advance. The last allocation is just slightly less than two times the size of the vector after the allocation, and the some of all the previous allocations is slightly less than the size of the last allocation.
The total number of allocations is O(log N), and the number of deallocations (up to that point) is just one less than the number of allocations.
For a large vector, if you know its maximum size in advance, it's more efficient to reserve that space at the beginning (one allocation rather than O(log N) allocations)
before inserting any data.
If you cut the capacity in half each time the size of the vector shrank to 1/4 of the currently-allocated space--that is, if you ran the allocation algorithm in reverse--you would be re-allocating (and then deallocating) nearly as much memory as the maximum capacity of the vector, in addition to deallocating the memory block with the maximum capacity. That's a performance penalty for applications that simply wanted to erase elements of the vector until they were all gone and then delete the vector.
That is, with deallocation as well as allocation, it's better to do it all at once if you can. And with deallocation you (almost) always can.
The only beneficiary of the more complicated deallocation algorithm would be an application that makes a vector, then erases at least 3/4 of it and then keeps the remaining part in memory while proceeding to grow new vectors. And even then there would be no benefit from the complicated algorithm unless the sum of the maximum capacities of the old (but still existing) vectors and the new vectors was so large that the application started to run into limitations of virtual memory.
Why penalize all algorithms that progressively erase their vectors in order to gain this advantage in this special case?
something afterwards. This way probability of reallocation is decreased and performance is increased. – 101010