So i figure this should be really easy but after a day of Googling and playing around i still can't seem to get this working. I have a private cocoapod which downloads code from a private git repository. This is all set-up and works fine.
What i'm struggling with is i need to include localized xibs in the cocoapod. I have a LoginView which is shared code across a number of our internal apps. However we have localised versions of the view. From what i can tell due to the way cocoapods flattens out the structure it's just copying the localized xib which is causing the *.lproj directories to be lost. When i then try and use the cocoapod it seems to pick up the first xib regardless of the language setting on the device.
I'm hoping someone might be able to guide me as to how i go about retaining the folder heirachy or if there's another way to include the localised xibs into the cocoapod.
# Be sure to run `pod lib lint NAME.podspec' to ensure this is a
# valid spec and remove all comments before submitting the spec.
# To learn more about a Podspec see
# do |s| = "ios-XX-common"
s.version = "1.0"
s.summary = "XXXXXX"
s.description = "Pod containing common source code used across multiple apps"
s.homepage = ""
s.license = 'Copyright' = { xxx }
s.source = { :git => "xxxx:/data/git/ios-xx-common.git", :tag => 'v1.0'}
s.platform = :ios, '7.0'
s.requires_arc = false
s.header_dir = 'ios-xx-common'
s.header_mappings_dir = 'CommonSourceCode'
s.source_files = "CommonSourceCode/**/*.{h,m}", "CommonSourceCode/CustomUIObjects/**/*.{h,m}",
"CommonSourceCode/Data Objects/**/*.{h,m}", "CommonSourceCode/Helpers/**/*.{h,m}",
"CommonSourceCode/UID/**/*.{h,m}", "CommonSourceCode/UIViews/**/*.{h,m}",
s.resource_bundles = { 'rr-common-xibs' => ['CommonResources/Xibs/*.lproj'],
'rr-common-other' => ['CommonResources/Icons/*.*', 'CommonResources/IPhone/*.*', 'CommonResources/IPhoneIPad/*.*', 'CommonResources/Sounds/*.*'] }
s.public_header_files = '**/*.h'
s.dependencies = { 'Parse-iOS-SDK' => '~> 1.2.19', 'CocoaLumberjack' => '~> 1.7.0',
'MBProgressHUD' => '~> 0.8', 'AFNetworking' => '~> 1.0' }