
I need to left align a footnote and keep the title in the center itself in my SAS output window. I tried the following code

proc print data = SASHELP.CLASS;
option pagesize=40 linesize=100 nodate nonumber center;
title1 "Listing 16.2.1";
title2 "Vital Sign Report of Class A";
title3 "(Confidential)";
footnote1  JUSTIFY=LEFT "M: Male, F: Female";
footnote2 " ";

and doesn't work. Can someone be kind to enough figure out what I'm doing wrong?


1 Answers


Justify statements (and most other formatting statements) do not work in LISTING (the output window). See the documentation for more details. They are supported in HTML, RTF, and Printer/PDF destinations, as well as other similar destinations based on these.

I would guess this originates from how they brought the style changes into SAS in the first place, documented in this SUGI paper from SAS 8.1. They were added from the SAS/GRAPH options, and as such likely were added in through some of the specific drivers that produce these destinations (originally HTML, then in 8.2 RTF and Printer (which PDF is a sub-destination of). For whatever reason they were not added in LISTING.