
I'm struggling to get the default logging working for a deployed application.

From my understanding, for a Mule app that contains no log4j.properties/xml file the Mule server will generate a log file named (going by the wrapper.conf file) %MULE_BASE%/logs/%MULE_APP%.log.

This isn't happening, instead all the logging is going into mule_ee.log, no app log file is created.

Are there any settings I should be looking at to make this happen?

Thanks in advance.

Hello, I'm trying that with the Bookstore example that comes bundled with Mule ESB, deleting first the log4j.properties included in it and works fine. Can you provide more detail?Ale Sequeira
Sorry Ale I didn't see your comment. I'll try again when I'm back at work on Monday and let you know - thanks.ezoray
I've tried the Bookstore app, I deployed the example zip with log4j file removed, and build the app source after removing the log4j file, neither have a named logfile created for them. I'm not sure what else to add, I get the same result locally and on a remote dev server.ezoray
Are you starting Mule using bin/mule? Do you have something configured on your conf/wrapper.conf?Ale Sequeira
I did initially use the startup.bat and run Mule as a service, I've disabled the service and tried bin/mule but I'm getting the same result. I've just tried a fresh install of Mule and run via bin/Mule, deployed the bookstore app but still no log file.ezoray

1 Answers


This is a known issue in 3.5.0 in windows platform, see this. In the next few days 3.5.1 will be released and you can upgrade.