I have an HR web application built in ASP.Net MVC split into areas, for example Manager, Employee. These areas represent different types of users in the system who are able to to different tasks. There is a legacy database involved and information for each user type is stored in a different table. Also, The the type of information stored for each user type is different so it makes sense that the tables are separate.
I am looking to implement claims based authentication for a couple reasons: One, it will be easier to store details about each user, on the client, such as username, roles etc. The other reason is that ClaimsPrincipal supports multiple Identities. This is important because in some cases a single person may need to access the system under multiple Identities at the same time. Eg. A Manager needs access to the system to perform administrative tasks, however the Manager also happens to be an Employee and should be able to log into the system as an Employee. Each area is treated separately, so that a even if a user is both a Manager and Employee they must log in separately to each area.
So here are my questions: Are multiple Identities through ClaimsPrincipal the way to go? Is there some other technique I am overlooking? If multiple Identities are the way to go, how do I log a user out of one area, but keep them logged in to another area if they happen to also be logged in to another area at the same time? Normally, to log out, the code would look something like this:
My assumption is that this will log the user out of both areas. Is this correct? Assuming that is the case, I thought I could simply remove the specific Identity from ClaimsPrincipal, then reset and write the SessionSecurityToken, but ClaimsPrincipal has no remove method, only AddIdentity. So I came up with the following pseudo code:
When logging out:
- Count number of Identities in ClaimsPrincipal
- If count == 1 log out as normal
- If count > 1, since we cannot remove an identity, loop through the identities and create a new ClaimsPrincipal that excludes the identity we want to log out, then reset and write the SessionSecurityToken
Am I on the right track? Are there some good examples of how to implement multiple Identities in ClaimsPrincipal? I have searched and while I have found brief mention of multiple Identities, I have found no actual examples.