I have a ViewScoped Managed Bean. In my .xhtml page I want to set bean's attribute's value and use it in methods in the same bean. I managed to set the value from jsf page, but when i want to use it in some method the value of an attribute is not the value i have set before.
Description (xhtml): In this form there is a command link which sets the value of an attribute. And it is working fine. Also, as command link is clicked, second form is being showed.
<h:commandLink value="Set" >
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{bean.attribute}" value="true" />
<f:ajax execute="@this" />
This form executes method that uses attribute's value set before, but the value is not true, its false.
<h:commandButton id="submit" value="Execute" action="#{bean.execute}" />
public void execute(){
---do something---
The question is: Why execute() is not reading attribute's value right?
When I use one form, it's working fine. But I need them to be in separated forms.
in the same request? – kolossustrue
and this value remains the same when clicking the button. I'm with Mojarra JSF 2.2.7, which version are you using? – Xtreme Biker