I am writing a AJAX / session based helperfunction for copy&paste functionality on drupal forms.
But i am running into trouble, when it comes to accessing the CKEDITOR-instances.
When looking at CKEDITOR.instances in JavaScript they look like this:
Object { element={...}, elementMode=1, name="edit-description-value", mehr...}
Object { element={...}, elementMode=1, name="edit-long-description-value", mehr...}
That is the way drupal puts up the names automatically.
Replacing the content inside the editor-area with
CKEDITOR.instances[edit-description-value].setData("my textstring");
CKEDITOR.instances[edit-long-description-value].setData("my textstring");
does not seem to work because of the "-" within the identifier. At least i think that could be the problem :-D
Can you guys give me a hint?