
I've made a cabal sandbox, installed a package to it, yet runhaskell Setup configure complains that the package dependency that I just installed is missing.

I verified the package name and version and that's okay.
Running cabal install --dependencies-only says "all the requested packages are already installed".

What's going on & how can I fix it?

If relevant I've encountered this with QuickCheck-2.7.5 on Windows 7 with cabal-install using cabal and ghc 7.6.3.

Configuring through runhaskell Setup configure outputs:

Configuring MyPackage-
Setup.hs: At least the following dependencies are missing: QuickCheck ==2.7.5

What does cabal configure say ?Sibi
@Sibi Updated the question.MasterMastic
you're running Setup.hs with runhaskell, have you tried just running cabal build? That'll do nothing but compile your project with your configuration in your .cabal file. IIRC runhaskell is just a wrapper around ghc and is agnostic of cabal.bheklilr
Instead of running runhaskell Setup configure, you should do cabal configure. runhaskell doesn't know about sandboxes.user2407038
@user2407038 Solved my issue, thank you! Perhaps post it as an answer.MasterMastic

1 Answers


Instead of running runhaskell Setup configure, you should do cabal configure. runhaskell doesn't know about sandboxes.