I want to compare(assert maybe) some values from "User defined variables" with values obtained from DB query using "JDBC Request" in jMeter, the thing is after i do the SELECT query i get only the column names and not the values. How can i do this comparison step by step? Thank you!
2 Answers
For instance, MySQL server has "mysql" database. In this database there is a "help_keyword" table which looks as follows:
MariaDB [mysql]> describe help_keyword;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| help_keyword_id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| name | char(64) | NO | UNI | NULL | |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
So if you configure your JDBC Request to select first row as
select * from help_keyword limit 1;
It'll return the following:
help_keyword_id name
For instance you need to assert this JOIN
keyword. To do so:
Add User Defined Variables configuration element and define KEYWORD
variable with the value of JOIN
Add JDBC Request configured as follows:
- Query Type
- Select Statement
- Query
select * from help_keyword limit 1;
- Variable names
Add Response Assertion as a child of JDBC Request configured as follows:
- Apply to
- JMeter Variable:
- JMeter Variable:
- Patterns to Test
Test Plan above will perform whether 1st row of "name" column value equals JOIN
See How to Use JMeter Assertions in 3 Easy Steps guide for more information on how JMeter Assertions can be used.
Use "Response Assertion" for your JDBC request.
Select the below mentioned properties of "Response Assertion":
- Apply to: "Jmeter Variable" e.g. ${value}, where value is User Defined variable.
- Response field to test: "Text Response"
- Pattern Matching Rules: As per your requirement.
Hope this will help