I have been having issues with Visual Studio 2013 lately and one of them being how MVC 5 is handled in the IDE. I'm fine with them moving the adding of areas and controllers to a new submenu, but after Update 2, that context-menu item disappeared. Anyone else experiencing this? I can't find "Add Scaffolded Item..." after Visual Studio 2013 Update 2.
If you right click on your Controllers folder (for example), do you see "Add" > "New Scaffolded Item..." ? I see it in my 2013 Update 2 on an MVC 5.1 project.
– mitch
I have uninstalled and reinstalled and it's there after the base install of Visual Studio 2013 Pro, but after the Update 2 install and a reboot. That menu item is gone.
– clockwiseq
I would appreciate if you answer my question too: stackoverflow.com/questions/31567537/…
– Kardo
@Kardo, try installing Update 5 and see if the scaffolding options return. In my case, I was under a short time constraint, so I just formatted my machine and reinstalled, but the updates generally correct these issues.
– clockwiseq
1 Answers
Another YMMV answer, but I was able to get this working by modifying the Registry. In particular:
has several branches, but the two of interest are:
and PendingDeletions
I moved the string key:
whose value is
From PendingDeletions
to EnabledExtensions