I'm using Python with the framework Django. I am sending registration emails from my website (when a user register).
Using this snippet, I authenticate my email with DKIM (the DNS is correctly configured).
I also added SPF on my DNS.
Either on gmail and hotmail, I see spf=pass
and dkim=pass
But still, my email is flagged as spam. I made sure to use appropriate vocabulary, it's a text email with only 1 link (for registering). I am using [email protected] in FROM field for my email.
EDIT : After few changes I managed to have a "proper" header for my email. This is what it looks like (received on my hotmail account, still flagged as spam) (I replaced my domain name by mydomain.com and IP adress by stars, but they are correct) :
Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; spf=pass (sender IP is ***.***.***.***) [email protected]; dkim=pass header.d=mydomain.com; x-hmca=pass [email protected]
X-SID-PRA: [email protected]
X-SID-Result: PASS
X-Message-Status: n:n
X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTA7YT0wO0Q9MjtHRD0yO1NDTD02
X-Message-Info: 11chDOWqoTn7F4e7hHYwxaXv9iZKZZyIKj/+21TGh6QZKczxEHQs4rb60Cxfdi09jTLkRJAecG6MEZoumj8BxQZCAkaW+YvuWguCAySgqkkiNyD1AL4MyP3BFzgaoF2ZXtaGotKTc8c/ChQJkPtnUkHdes5iALGuXQjNzKRE6CJjxAGItrK/tX2h6cQRePYbs40w9kwlyrSKjnMd0tsAss5uWWZc2J8a
Received: from mydomain.com ([***.***.***.***]) by BAY004-MC3F39.hotmail.com over TLS secured channel with Microsoft SMTPSVC(7.5.7601.22712);
Wed, 9 Jul 2014 08:18:05 -0700
Received: from mydomain.com (localhost.localdomain [])
by mydomain.com (8.14.4/8.14.4/Debian-4) with ESMTP id s69FI3wS030630
for <*********@hotmail.fr>; Wed, 9 Jul 2014 17:18:03 +0200
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=simple/simple; d=mydomain.com;
[email protected]; q=dns/txt; s=selector; t=1404919083; h=MIME-Version
: Content-Type : Content-Transfer-Encoding : Subject : From : To : Date
: Message-ID; bh=k7X+9bPwn6CQYmdYxiU1/FA763QwNClj01j8KmwLN2k=; b=Xg53TzAVYu7/7hnSJpH0NPsXhR2xasyW/Oo37XNSdWGOmZFP95way23mFMgT370IGv/rlTf+LJgYuH1grPRoVgR9Oif89uwLf9FIWx0CTwNlG9ONvKgTX3I91J8lAn/5KaMHW3sF/6C6CYhu9+nP8bh1JcuiuHq3zlYZLv2zQQQ=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Subject: Activation de votre compte Mydomain
From: Mydomain <[email protected]>
To: *********@hotmail.fr
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 15:18:03 -0000
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Return-Path: [email protected]
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 09 Jul 2014 15:18:05.0604 (UTC) FILETIME=[FB999E40:01CF9B88]
Now I really don't understand what causes the email to be flagged as spam. Also checked blacklists, the domain isn't blacklisted.
I also did a test here, the results are the same : DKIM detected and check PASS, SPF PASS, SpamAssassin Score: -2.011 "Message is NOT marked as spam", only empty box is "DomainKeys Information : Message does not contain a DomainKeys Signature" (I don't find anything explaining the difference with DKIM).
NB : After goncalopp's comment, I wondered if this question shouldn't be on Serverfault instead of here. Should I remove it and ask there?
? Andhostname --fqdn
? – loopbackbee