I am trying to control behavior of fragment shader by calculating vertex count in geometry shader so that if I have a vertex stream of 1000 triangles ,when the count reaches 500 I set some varying for fragment shader which signals that the later must switch its processing.To count total vertices(or triangles) processed I use Atomic counter in geometry shader.I planned to do it in vertex shader first,but then I read somewhere that because of vertex caching counter won't increment on each vertex invocation.But now it seems that doing it in geometry shader doesn't execute the count precisely either.
In my geometry shader I am doing this:
layout(triangles) in;
layout (triangle_strip ,max_vertices = 3) out;
layout(binding=0, offset=0) uniform atomic_uint ac;
out flat float isExterior;
void main()
uint counter = atomicCounter(ac);
float switcher = 0.0;
if (counter >= exteriorSize)
switcher = 2.0;
isExterior = switcher;
// here just emitting primitive....
exteriorSize is a uniform holding a number equal to number of vertices in an array.When I read out the value of counter on CPU it never equals to exteriorSize.But it is almost 2 times smaller than it.Is there a vertex caching in geometry stage as well?Or am I doing something wrong?
Basically what I need is to tell fragment shader: "after vertex number X start doing work Y.As lont as vertex number is less than X do work Z" And I can't get that exact X from atomic counter even though I increment it up till it reach that limit.
I suspect the problem is with atomic writes synchronization.If I set memoryBarrier in different places the counter values change.But I still can't get it return the exact value that equals to exteriorSize.
Well,I didn't figure out the issue with atomic counter synchronization so I did it using indirect draw . Works like a charm.