I have a full screen quad with two textures.
I want to blend two textures in arbitrary shape according to user selection.
For example, the quad at first is 100% texture0 while texture1 is transparent.
If the user selects a region, for example a circle, by dragging the mouse on the quad, then circle region should display both texture0 and texture1 as translucent.
The region not enclosed by the circle should still be texture0.
Please see example image, textures are simplified as colors.
For now, I have achieved blending two textures on the quad, but the blending region can only be vertical slices because I use the step() function.
My frag shader:
uniform sampler2D Texture0;
uniform sampler2D Texture1;
uniform float alpha;
uniform float leftBlend;
uniform float rightBlend;
varying vec4 oColor;
varying vec2 oTexCoord;
void main()
vec4 first_sample = texture2D(Texture0, oTexCoord);
vec4 second_sample = texture2D(Texture1, oTexCoord);
float stepLeft = step(leftBlend, oTexCoord.x);
float stepRight = step(rightBlend, 1.0 - oTexCoord.x);
if(stepLeft == 1.0 && stepRight == 1.0)
gl_FragColor = oColor * first_sample;
gl_FragColor = oColor * (first_sample * alpha + second_sample * (1.0-alpha));
if (gl_FragColor.a < 0.4)
To achieve arbitrary shape, I assume I need to create a alpha mask texture which is the same size as texture0 and texture 1?
Then I pass that texture to frag shader to check values, if value is 0 then texture0, if value is 1 then blend texture0 and texture1.
Is my approach correct? Can you point me to any samples?
I want effect such as OpenGL - mask with multiple textures
but I want to create mask texture in my program dynamically, and I want to implement blending in GLSL
I have got blending working with mask texture of black and white
uniform sampler2D TextureMask;
vec4 mask_sample = texture2D(TextureMask, oTexCoord);
if(mask_sample.r == 0)
gl_FragColor = first_sample;
gl_FragColor = (first_sample * alpha + second_sample * (1.0-alpha));
now mask texture is loaded statically from a image on disk, now I just need to create mask texture dynamically in opengl