
I get this error when I try to compile using Compass on Codekit:

Compass failed to run because your Mac has an older version of Sass and/or Compass installed that conflicts with the newer versions in CodeKit. You must remove all versions of Sass below 3.3.rc6 and all versions of Compass below 1.0.alpha18. Do this at the command line by running 'sudo gem uninstall sass' and 'sudo gem uninstall compass'.

I ran sudo gem uninstall sass and sudo gem uninstall compass, however when I try to compile through CodeKit again I get the same error.


3 Answers


try running gem query --local this will list local gems, once you have a list, just go through and remove all sass+compass related gems with sudo gem uninstall ___, pretty sure that compass also has compass-core, but there are probably more


How have you initially installed your gems? Is it possible that you've also installed gems with just gem install? Cuz sudo gem installs gems as root for all users while gem install only installs gems for your active user. So maybe gems left installed which aren't uninstalled with sudo gem uninstall?

On the other hand why uninstall compass at all. I am running Codekit 2.1 with its internal Sass 3.3.10 along with the external gem Compass 0.12.4. That actually works quite well. You have go to Codekit Preferences -> Other Tools -> Compassand choose the radio button "Use the Compass executable at this path" and select your Compass gem then.


If you are using RVM for your ruby management then switch to your system ruby version

rvm use system

and install sass and compass for this version

sudo gem install sass

sudo gem install compass

This worked for me!