
My organisation is utilising multiple Parse apps for different environments of our app. These each have individual subdomains: a.abc.co, b.abc.co, c.abc.co and d.abc.co.

I can buy a single wildcard SSL certificate for abc.co and this would work fine under a normal situation, however I'm worried that Parse will think something's going wrong if they see the same certificate being uploaded to multiple different Parse apps.

Does anybody know if Parse can support the same wildcard SSL certificate for multiple different Parse apps?

Note that the use of subdomains and abc.co is not subject to change (and of course abc.co is an example value). I haven't tried it because it's a tad too expensive for trial and error.


2 Answers


I can't see any reason why it wouldn't work, that's what wildcard SSL is for... why don't you just try it?


Wildcard SSL Certificate will work fine with parse app.

Wildcard SSLs are designed in a way to support multiple subdomains hosted under single domain name.

If you will generate CSR with the common name as *.abc.co so it will secure all the subdomains like mail.abc.co, api.abc.co, www.abc.co etc.