
I would appreciate an example of BLE peripheral mode for Android-L.

The code that I have gives me strange errors (i.e too many advertisers) which makes no sense as there are no advertisers that i can see from scanner like Lightblue on ios.

developer.radiusnetworks.com/2014/07/06/… The author of this article will probably see this soon so I post it as a comment.reTs
thanks, it seems that this code has some problems, for example AdvertiseCallback implementation is incorrect (it should have) two other methods. and I still get the same error on nexus 7.geoaxis

3 Answers


https://github.com/geoaxis/BluetoothTest works on my nexus 5 running L.

At first when initializing advertising I was getting: public static final int ADVERTISE_FAILED_CONTROLLER_FAILURE

Operation fails due to bluetooth controller failure.

Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)

I was running other bluetooth apps, I killed all of them, restarted the bluetooth service and got a success. L is still preview, so some loose ends are expected.

geoaxis, thanks for forking, I wouldn't have had the chance to read this very clear sample otherwise; there should such a sample in the L dev preview samples.



It seems that there is a bug for Android-L preview for Nexus 7. Nexus 5 works fine https://code.google.com/p/android-developer-preview/issues/detail?id=589

Example code for nexus 5 can be found here https://github.com/geoaxis/BluetoothTest


BLE peripheral mode for Android is expected in android version 4.5