I don't know if it is a feature or a bug. But the event end value is set to null if allDay is true. This is the function where the event is updated:
change: function (eventModel) {
var currEvId = eventModel.get('_id');
var fcEvent = $("#calendar").fullCalendar('clientEvents', currEvId)[0] || {};
console.log("end before update : " + fcEvent.end);
fcEvent.title = alvEventModel.get("title");
fcEvent.start = new Date(alvEventModel.get("start"));
fcEvent.end = new Date(alvEventModel.get("end"));
fcEvent.allDay = alvEventModel.get("allDay"); //true or false
this.el.fullCalendar('updateEvent', fcEvent);
console.log("start: " + fcEvent.start);
console.log("end: " + fcEvent.end);
The console shows
end before update : 1404896400000
end after update: null
The fullcalendar property forceEventDuration is setted to true
lang: 'sv',
header: {
left: 'prev,next, today',
center: 'title',
right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay',
ignoreTimezone: false
select: this.select,
selectable: true,
selectHelper: true,
editable: true,
disableDragging: true,
disableResizing: true,
aspectRatio: 2.5,
height: 600,
weekNumbers: true,
the the console shows
end before update : 1404864000000
end after update: 1404813300000
I this case the rendering for the event is one day. Even after updating with allDay to false it continue to show as a one day event until reloading the events from server. I think the standard behavior is for allDay must have a start and end date. But I'm not sure the intentions of declaring the end date as null. May be I missunderstand the beauty of this behavior. I don't know how to use for my goals. I need an end date like other calendars.
http://jsfiddle.net/Mr_Vertigo/k3RZX/1/ And the version is v2.0.2