
Since roxygen2 version 4.0.0, the @S3method tag has been deprecated in favour of using @export.

The package now tries to detect if a function is an S3 method, and automatically adds the line S3method(function,class) to the NAMESPACE file if it think it is one.

The problem is that if a function is not an S3 method but its name contains a . then roxygen sometimes makes a mistake and adds the line when it shouldn't.

Is there a way to tell roxygen that a function is not an S3 method?

As requested, here's a reproducible example.

I have a package that imports R.oo, with a function named check.arg.

cat("Imports: R.oo\n", file = "test/DESCRIPTION", append = TRUE)
  "#' Check an argument 
#' Checks an argument.
#' @param ... Some arguments.
#' @return A value.
#' @export
check.arg <- function(...) 0",

Now the namespace contains the line S3method(check,arg).

check is an S3 generic in R.oo, so roxygen is trying to be smart and guessing that I want check.arg to be an S3 method. Unfortunately, these functions are unrelated, so I don't.

(To preempt suggestions that I just rename check.arg: this is legacy code written by others, and I've created a checkArg replacement, but I need to leave check.arg as a deprecated function for compatibility.)

I believe you just use @export with the full name of the function. It would be helpful to include a reproducible example to test.MrFlick
@MrFlick Thanks for the solution, and thanks for reminding me not to be lazy.Richie Cotton

2 Answers


As Mr Flick commented, appending the full function name to the roxygen line works correctly. If I change the line to:

#' @export check.arg

then the NAMESPACE file contains:


Use @method generic class and @export instead of @S3method. Take a look at this thread: S3 method help (roxygen2)