
I am not able to limit the amount of pushed elements in a group function with aggregation pipeline. Is this possible? Small example:


        "submitted": date,
        "loc": {
            "lng": 13.739251,
            "lat": 51.049893
        "name": "first",
        "preview": "my first"
        "submitted": date,
        "loc": {
            "lng": 13.639241,
            "lat": 51.149883
        "name": "second",
        "preview": "my second"
        "submitted": date,
        "loc": {
            "lng": 13.715422,
            "lat": 51.056384
        "name": "nearpoint2",
        "preview": "my nearpoint2"

Here is my aggregation pipeline:

  var pipeline = [{
    //I want to limit the data to a certain area
    $match: {
        loc: {
            $geoWithin: {
                $box: [
                    [locBottomLeft.lng, locBottomLeft.lat],
                    [locUpperRight.lng, locUpperRight.lat]
// I just want to get the latest entries  
    $sort: {
        submitted: -1
// I group by name
    $group: {
        _id: "$name",
        < --get name
        submitted: {
            $max: "$submitted"
        < --get the latest date
        locs: {
            $push: "$loc"
        < --push every loc into an array THIS SHOULD BE LIMITED TO AN AMOUNT 5 or 10
        preview: {
            $first: "$preview"
//Limit the query to at least 10 entries.
    $limit: 10

How can I limit the locs array to 10 or any other size? I tried something with $each and $slice but that does not seem to work.


3 Answers


Suppose the bottom left coordinates and the upper right coordinates are respectively [0, 0] and [100, 100]. From MongoDB 3.2 you can use the $slice operator to return a subset of an array which is what you want.

    { "$match": { 
        "loc": { 
            "$geoWithin":  { 
                "$box": [ 
                    [0, 0], 
                    [100, 100]
    { "$group": { 
        "_id": "$name",
        "submitted": { "$max": "$submitted" }, 
        "preview": { "$first": "$preview" }
        "locs": { "$push": "$loc" }
    { "$project": { 
        "locs": { "$slice": [ "$locs", 5 ] },
        "preview": 1,
        "submitted": 1
    { "$limit": 10 }

You can achieve this by passing $slice operator directly at the $push.

  var pipeline = [{
    //I want to limit the data to a certain area
    $match: {
        loc: {
            $geoWithin: {
                $box: [
                    [locBottomLeft.lng, locBottomLeft.lat],
                    [locUpperRight.lng, locUpperRight.lat]
// I just want to get the latest entries  
    $sort: {
        submitted: -1
// I group by name
    $group: {
        _id: "$name",
        < --get name
        submitted: {
            $max: "$submitted"
        < --get the latest date
        locs: {
            $push: {
              $slice: 10
        < --push every loc into an array THIS SHOULD BE LIMITED TO AN AMOUNT 5 or 10
        preview: {
            $first: "$preview"
//Limit the query to at least 10 entries.
    $limit: 10


I solved this by (1) allowing all values to be pushed in the group stage, then (2) adding a $filter to a subsequent $project stage. Within the $filter, eliminate all array members with disqualifying values.
