I had to store files which had sizes to the north of 1MB and google app engine advised that I should store them in Google Cloud Storage. The app engine BlobProperty was not suitable.
The section Using Blobstore API with Google Cloud Storage advises to use, create_upload_url function's gs_bucket_name parameter.
I tried it.
gcs_upload_url = blobstore.create_upload_url('/myupload', gs_bucket_name='bucketname.appspot.com/')
The resultant URL that I get for the POST is not /myupload
It goes somewhat like
<form action="http://myapp.appspot.com/_ah/upload/XXXXXXXXXXX7NNN-XXXXYYY/" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
I have changed the part after /upload/, but the point is, it clearly misses creating a proper upload URL, which can be recognized by my handler.
What's the correct way to use create_upload_url with gs_bucket_name and also get the correct URL for handing the post?
Clearly the official documentation is not helpful here.