
I have a Class named A that extends a Trait X. X has an abstract variable x that has been implemented in the class A. Class A uses one of the functions in Trait X named foo. I am trying to make a companion object of Class A and put in some 'static' method inside it named Ofoo. My problem is that Ofoo uses foo. So, I tried doing something like this:

trait X{
val x:String
def foo = {
    //Full implementation here

case class A extends X{
val x = "barbaz"
// Class uses foo

object A extends X{
def Ofoo = {
    //This also needs to use foo

I get an error saying the object A cannot be instantiated as the variable x is not defined in trait X. How should I structure A such that it can use the function foo defined in the trait X?

You should explain what you are really trying to accomplish (your real problem, not an abstraction of it). There is probably a simple solution, but it is hard to say if we don't really know what you are trying to do.toto2

3 Answers


The compiler behaves as it should. There can be 2 things: Does foo use x?

If that is the case then it is required to have an Instance with x declared as the compiler says. You could say:

object A{
    def ofoo = new X{val x = "default"}.foo

If foo does not use x then I am not sure if it should even belong to the trait X. You could then create an object X and then have foo inside it something like:

trait X{
   val x:String

object X{
   def foo = {}

How about implementing x in A? It's just an object; it has to obey the same rules, which include implementing the abstract members of any classes/traits that are being extended.

object A extends X {
  val x = "hello"

just because it's the companion object of a class A that already inherits from X and implements x, does not mean that object X somehow magically reuses it.

In fact, technically a class and it's companion object are not connected; their only relation exists by convention.

On the other hand, if you want to make sure the value of x is the same in both class A as well as object A, you can just define val x in object A and pull in that value in class A:

class A extends X {
  val x = X.x
object A extends X {
  val x = "shared-value-of-x"

At any rate, x must be defined by object A or in one of its superclasses/supertraits.

Based of the previous proposals and the OP's responses, I'll assume that foo should not be accessible from elsewhere, thus:

package pack {

  trait X{
    val x:String

  // Reachable only in the same source file
  sealed trait Y extends X{

   // if foo doesn't use x below, no need to extend X, though
   private[pack] def foo = {
      //Full implementation here
      println("x = "+x)

  case class A() extends X with Y{
    val x = "barbaz"
    // Class uses foo

  object A extends X with Y{
    val x = "barbatruc" 
    def ofoo = {
      //This also needs to use foo


Actually I have a hard time to understand what the OP wants. I agree with toto2.