
I'm facing an issue with my Highcharts-powered component.

Considering the basic column chart JSFiddle example: http://www.highcharts.com/demo/column-basic

My goal is to get the series name (Tokyo, New York, etc...) instead of Jan, Feb, Mar... on the x Axis.

Of course, I also need the columns to be grouped according to the series name. So, in this case, it would be 4 group of columns.

How can I do this ? Should I modify the categories block ?

Thanks a lot


I've found the solution and updated the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/j658R/1/

But now, I need another bahvior. How can I specify more than one value for each serie ? For example, for "s1", how can I put 4 values for this series and so get 4 bars above the "s1" label on the X axis ?


Have you tried editing the categories? Did it do what you wanted? If not, post a fiddle example and explain what you want it to do that it's not doing.jlbriggs
Here is a fiddle: jsfiddle.net/j658R I want the series name on the xAxis under its corresponding value. So, in this case, I would like s1, s2, ... s8 instead of only s1 in the xAxis which has no meaningPodelo
do you want a stacked bar chart ?Rahul Gupta
you need to add next serie, do you mean somethign like jsfiddle.net/j658R/2 or jsfiddle.net/j658R/3 ?Sebastian Bochan
Or maybe something like this: jsfiddle.net/j658R/4 ;) LinkedSeries to one legend item, just play around with pointPlacement to position them within category.Paweł Fus

1 Answers


By separating each data point into a separate series, Highcharts will automatically group the data.

So the first data point of each series will be set to the first category. The second data point of series to the second category, etc.

All you need to do is set this up as a single series: