
How can I lock the cols title in a table when i scroll the content? (I want cols title always visible)

p.s. I use sap.m.Table https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/sdk/docs/api/symbols/sap.m.Table.html


2 Answers


It's currently not possible, and when thinking of it, there (used to be) a good reason too:

Since the sap.m libraries were intended initially for mobile use, controls should not have any scrollbars. And since web applications on a mobile device more often than not require scrolling to display its content, having a control (a table) which needs scrolling itself would disrupt the page-scrolling behavior.

(Just think of a website you display on your mobile device where you need to scroll, and suddenly you're no longer scrolling the page but some inner iframe / control / div element takes over the scrolling, until you reach the end of that control, and your page resumes to scroll down again.)

On desktop applications I agree it would makes sense (and maybe there should be a flag to lock the column headers) but definitely not when displayed on a mobile device.


In SAP UI5, there exists the attachColumnFreeze method. Perhaps it can be used for freezing columns on a table
