
I use urxvt with the Solarized light color palette. My .Xresources file is properly configured according to these instructions. I also use Vim as my main editor. I've installed the Solarized colorscheme for Vim and modified my .vimrc file according to these instructions. I like the light background color, so I put the following lines in .vimrc

syntax enable
set background=light
colorscheme solarized

However, Vim set the background color to dark. Then I edited the second line, wrote set background=dark and vim changed the background color to light.

The problem is that set background=light gives me the dark background and set background=dark gives me the light background. Why this weird behavior? How to fix this problem? Ah, if I leave out the set background line, everything looks fine (the background is light). I've also noticed that gvim sets the correct background color.

your configured terminal has solarized light color too?Kent
Yes, I use urxvt with the Solarized light color palette.user1277337
my terminal is urxvt too. I had used solarized colorscheme (dark) for about 1 day, then used a customized scheme. You could try my old config: add these two lines in your vimrc (before colorscheme cmd) , and try: let g:solarized_termcolors = 256 and let g:solarized_termtrans = 1 if it worked, I post it as answer.Kent
I put these two lines in vimrc and the colors don't look nice anymore. The problem is that set background=light gives me the dark background and set background=dark gives me the light background.user1277337
By the way, gvim sets the correct background color.user1277337

1 Answers


Well, I found what's going wrong. The official (?) Solarized for X Windows is broken when using light colors. There's a discussion here and here. The color scheme didn't adjust to the value of background. I solved the problem using the config from seletskiy configuration.