I'm trying to design a view for an iOS 7 iPhone application using Xcode 5.1.1. I am targeting iPhone 4s and 5+ view port. Here is my view:
The purpose of this view is to act as the main menu for the application. The ImageView is the app's logo and each button is an option. The trouble I'm having is trying to get the correct constraints put on the views so that everything will shrink height-wise from the iPhone 5 to 4s. No matter which combination I try, I always end up with "Need constraints for: Y position or height." under Missing Constraints and an incorrect height under Misplaced Views for the image and all buttons.
If I try to use the "Add missing constraints", Xcode makes the height for all of the buttons the same with the exception of the last button. The last button just shrinks down to the text.
What am I missing to get this to work correctly? Thanks!!
EDIT: Based on the feedback, I have made the following constraints:
Image View: Pinned to Top/Bottom/Leading/Trailing Superview. Pinned Height. Bottom Space to Yellow Button
All Buttons: Equal Height to each other. Based on the generated constraints, seems like all of the other buttons look to the height of the Yellow Button.
Yellow Button: Top Space to Image View, Trailing/Leading Space to Superview, Bottom Space to Red Button
Red Button: Top Space to Yellow Button, Trailing/Leading Space to Superview, Bottom Space to Green Button
Green Button: Top Space to Red Button, Trailing/Leading Space to Superview, Bottom Space to Brown Button
Brown Button: Top Space to Green Button, Trailing/Leading Space to Superview, Bottom Space to Orange Button
Orange Button: Top Space to Brown Button, Trailing/Leading/Bottom Space to Superview
If I do that, everything looks good in the 4" in Retina view. If I switch it to the 3.5" view everything looks good and runs fine in the simulator. If I switch it back to the 4" view, the all of the buttons but the yellow get misplaced with a slightly smaller height:
Not sure what is causing that. I can also upload a copy of my Xcode Project if that helps.