
I have a simple directive called po-datepicker, it displays a datepicker on the screen, but allows the user to type a date manually:

<input type="text" ng-model="model" po-datepicker required />

and this is the directive:

myApp.directive('poDatepicker', function () {
    return {
        require: ['?^ngModel'],
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function ($scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
            var ngModel = ctrl[0];
            var picker = elem.datepicker();

            picker.on('changeDate', function(e) {

            elem.parent().find('button').on('click', function() {

            var changeFn = function(e) {
                // Here I have some logic that calls $setViewValue();

            picker.on('hide', changeFn);
            elem.on('keyup blur', changeFn);

this works as expected, but when I try to type a value in the input, it updates the ngModel, changing the variable in the scope, how can I prevent ngModel from being changed in the input?

Here is a plunkr, try manually writing a value and you'll understand what I'm talking.

Why don't you associate the text input with a different model object. Then at the appropriate time, you can commit the value to the real model object.Sunil D.
If I do that, the validations such as required will not work, since it needs ngModel to validateEvandro Silva

2 Answers


Actually, after some research, I found a solution for this problem.

What I found on forums and questions is that I needed to unbind the element's events, like this:


But that solution didn't work as expected.

The problem is that I'm currently using Angular 1.2.x, I found out that you need also to set some priority to the directive, such as:

return {
    require: ['?^ngModel'],
    priority: 1,

The priority: 1 is needed in this case, because of the priority of some internal Angular.js directives.

Here is an updated plunker with the right priority set up.


Just add 'disabled' to the input http://plnkr.co/edit/xFeAmSCtKdNSQR1zbAsd?p=preview

 <input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="test" po-datepicker required feedback disabled/>