I have installed Worklight 6.2 on Linux, using Liberty 8.5.5 and DB2 10.5. Created the DB2 databases for WRKLGHT and WLREPORT. Have executed the Server Configuration Tool and successfully created a Worklight Server configuration (did not have any errors in the Console view when running the Ant tasks, tables were created successfully in the database, and configuration shows deployed status in the SCT). Created a runtime environment in the SCT, also seemed to succeed (no errors in Console view, tables created/updated, runtime environment shows deployed in the SCT). Stopped and restarted the Liberty server.
Can hit Worklight admin at (/worklightconsole) and log in successfully using my demo user, however it then indicates there are no runtime environments. When trying to access runtime environment at /worklight/console (which should be the correct URL given how I created the runtime config in SCT using my Worklight project WAR), I get various errors: first "Service unavailable since initialization is not yet complete." then after retrying for about a minute or two I get "javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Timeout while waiting for the management service to start up at com.worklight.core.auth.impl.AuthenticationFilter.isWaitingForInitialization(AuthenticationFilter.java:561)".
Seems the management service is not starting up successfully. Upon reviewing the messages.log I see the following error precede it: "FWLSE0242E: Failed to synchronize application runtime information. The servlet initialization failed and the servlet will deny serve. The most common reason is a failure in JMX communication with the ''worklightadmin'' service. You need to restart the web application after fixing the problem. [project worklight]" and this creates an FFDC log.
I know this is a lot of information but trying to be complete. Anything I should check to fix the JMX communication issue and get the management service starting?