As a Java person learning Haskell I was getting use to the new way of thinking about everything but I've spent half a day trying to implement something with a simple RNG and am getting nowhere. In Java I could crate a static RNG and call it with Classname.random.nextInt(10) and it would meet these criteria:
- I wouldn't have to keep a reference to the RNG and I could call it ad-hoc (even from inside a loop or a recursive function)
- It would produce a new random number every time it was called
- It would produce a new set of random numbers every time the project executed
So far in Haskell I'm facing the classic programmers dilemma - I can have 2/3. I'm still learning and have absolutely no idea about Monads, except that they might be able to help me here.
My Most recent attempt has been this:
getRn :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> Int -> Rand g Int
getRn lo hi= getRandomR (lo,hi)
--EDIT: Trimming my questions so that it's not so long winded, replacing with a summary and then what I ended up doing instead:
After creating a bunch of random cities (for TSP), I maped over them with a function createEdges
that took a city and connected it to the rest of the cities: M.mapWithKey (\x y -> (x,(createEdges y [1..3] makeCountry)))
I wanted to replace [1..3] with something random. I.e. I wanted to map randomness (IO) over pure code. This caused no end of confusion for me (see people's attempt to answer me below to get a good sense of my confusion). In fact I'm still not even sure if I'm explaining the problem correctly.
I was getting this type of error: Couldn't match expected type [Int] with actual type IO [Int]
So after finding out that what I wanted to do was fundamentally wrong in a functional environment, I decided to change my approach. Instead of generating a list of cities and then applying randomness to connect them, I instead created an [[Int]] where each inner list represented the random edges. Thereby creating my randomness at the start of the process, rather than trying to map randomness over the pure code.
(I posted the final result as my own answer, but SO won't let me accept my own answer yet. Once it does I've reached that threshold I'll come back and accept)
, even though they don't typecheck? (AlsoCity
) – ZetamultiTake :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [[Int]]
withmultiTake (l:ls) vs = chunk : multiTake ls remainder where (chunk,remainder) = splitAt l vs
. You could use that withliftM2 multiTake (getRandomRs (3,7)) (getRandomRs (lo, hi))
– AndrewC